
Contact Me

The journey towards a new you starts with simply sending me your name and email.

Let’s Talk!

You’ve seen my story and now I want to know yours. What are your goals? What have been your setbacks? I want to know and I want to be a part of helping you become something you are excited about.

Complete the form below and I’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Fitness Training

You’ve seen the ads on TV or the ads in a magazine. They feature muscled out models doing crazy exercises. That’s great….for them but maybe not for you. I can help you put together a fitness program that is fun, achievable and, most of all, rewarding.


You’ve seen the stories on the internet, something like “TOP DIETS OF [whatever year is]!” Many of them are great for a month and then you put back on any weight you lost. Why? Because they are DIETS, not a lifestyle. I can show you how to put together a tasty, nutritious meal plan.

One on One Coaching

So that’s great, you’ve got the exercise program, you’ve got the meal plan…but what happens when you read about a new exercise and you wonder if it’s right for you? What about when you’re feeling defeated because you ate…gasp…TWO pieces of cake? What about when your shoulder is aching and you can’t do a certain exercise? That’s where I come in (again). I can coach you through any changes to the original plan you need and encourage you with the straight facts about what you’re doing great and what you could improve upon.

Contact us and let’s start building something!

Use the details to the right to get ahold of us.


Startup Square
123 Block Ave
Austin, Texas 36521


Mon-Fri: 8am – 5pm
Sat: 8am 9pm
Sun: 8am – 2pm

Via Email

Via Phone

Tel: 514-281-3821
Fax: 514-281-5210